
Friday 9 April 2010

Life on a Keyboard

As I look back at my last five years in Delhi, I've come to realise that except for the one and a half years I spent in college, I never really had much of a life which I can say I'm proud of. For some reasons, unknown to me, my whole world was slowly confined to a 20X15 ft room with the only mode of contact being either my cellphone or mostly my computer.

Though I have over 200 contacts on my Facebook profile, I am not proud to say that I barely know who my neighbours are over here or the fact that I hardly keep in touch with any of those 200+ contacts. In fact, I've come to realise that there maybe only 10 with whom I'm in regular touch and 15-20 more whom I contact occasionally. That, besides a few occasional chats with someone every now and then. The only other news I get from the rest of them is when someone hits me with a pillow, or when I am tagged in those automatic application pictures or when someone thinks that I can drink 10 cans of beer in a row, when someone answers one of those random 'Yes' or 'No' Questions about me. No I still won't join your mafia or fertilize your crops because I left that a long time ago and frankly you should grow up too.

It's quite hard to actually say when I had fun with friends except for that time around New Year's maybe, when I went to Chandigarh, talked to real people and for once actually had fun. After that, having fun meant a chat on GTalk or socialising meant writing on someone's wall or posting a scrap on Orkut.

Most of my time is eaten up by work and the rest of it by studying up the impossible amounts of study material thrown at me. But, slowly and steadily I got used to it. As I don't socialise for real because I am stuck here, this is the only thing keeping me from going insane. I also know that without any other option in sight I must cling on to it with a hope of living a real life other than my life on a keyboard.

The author would have loved to write more on this but someone pinged him on Gmail, and he left to have a chat with that person. He also has to respond to a few wall posts by other friends where most of them are still asking him to fertilize their farm. Some people never get it.


Robby said...

i loved this one.. the best u have written till now.. i think i have finally understood ur writing style.. keep it going like this one !

Roohbir Singh said...

I completely agree with Raju.. oops wait.. I forgot that's not cool enough.. lol .. Robby. i meant I agree with Robby S. when he said this is the best one you've written. Even though it's short, but as far as your writing style goes, I think this is where you've come into your own, you know this one feels a lot more natural and of course that's the kind of humour I like as well so Kudos man. And hey, I'm with you on the being in touch only through facebook and gtalk on stuff.. infact, i think you've just inspired me to write a blog... lol

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