
Thursday 25 March 2010

40 Pass but 49 Fail

Yep, you got it correct. This is what someone like me would be thinking about every single day of my life. For those who don't know what I'm talking about, this is what an average student pursuing Chartered Accountancy (C.A.) deals with.

The daily grind, the endless hours of coaching, listening to your boss for hours and hours about what you've done right or as in my case wrong. Wishing so much that you get a chance to go out of the office to other places just so you stay away from the boss even if it's for an hour. The sometimes boring conversations about the latest changes in law etc. over lunch or coffee. Falling for that cute girl in your office or just staring for hours at that new girl in your newly joined Tax class.

Yup it's all here. By the time you finish it off, no matter where you are later on you'll always get to look back at that time with a sigh of relief that it's over but also with a wish to relive it. If you make it through and become a C.A., then comes the endless parties that you have to give to everyone. If you don't then comes the thought of your next attempt, and how to convince your boss to give you more leaves so you can clear maybe one group or maybe both of them.

It's been tough going for all of us as students who sometimes feel that life has been unjust in the way you are treated whether in the office or when you give your examinations, but the fact is that this is what it'll take for you to become someone who can stand up to even the toughest things in life.

I end my post with a message that even if we do fail an exam, the strength of the spirit lies in moving on.

Dedicated to all C.A. students like me and to the Garuda of the ICAI logo which inspires professionalism, skepticism, transparency and the courage to rise above those and be awake while others sleep


Robby said...

like like !! i hope u clear it this time. i can see the power u'll have. maybe we'll get u a suit and then see if u really are a playa or not..

likewise...its only a matter of time. there has to be steep terrain before v reach the top of the mountain...keep going !!

Rishabh Gupta said...

Thanx for the inspiration man

Roohbir Singh said...

of course you're gonna clear it the next time theres no doubt about it, after all u are the hardest worker amongst us, maybe followed by bhanu somewhere below but me, deepan, rajeshwar, i dont think we make the grade... lol ..

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