
Sunday 25 April 2010

A deejay is born

This time I write out not as a blogger but as an artist. Dad's deejaying finally rubbed off and I made my first mixtape yesterday, though it was just for fun and made in under an hour during breakfast but I hope you guys like it. This'll only help me out later on. This ain't a thought but something I have a passion for, a passion for music. Even though this is the worst time to do it seeing that my exams are just a week away but then somethings can't be explained and can't be helped. I'll be laying off the music scene till I'm done with exams. But if you find it good i'll find a way to make it better. I've titled it the insane dance music because the music doesn't make sense just like pretty much everything else in my life.

With Love :)
DJ Ritzzz a.k.a. Rishabh
Download link-


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