
Sunday 18 July 2010

Hater's paradise

Been dormant on the writing scene for quite sometime, so today I decided to put something up. It's been quite sometime and a lot of changes happened during this time. Been going through a lot of emo shit so don't know what to write and what not to.

Ever since my exams I've been in a state of semi psych trance mode, trying to figure out what's real and what's not, I remember just a few days back I was trying to push open the doors of an ATM only to realise it was in fact a glass wall. Though everyone considers me as a nice guy, until they don't count the innumerable fights I've picked with random people, the most recent one being yesterday when I punched a guy in the face because he was holding up the lift to have a chat with someone.

Another weird shit I did was get my emotions or at least a part of it out and made it into something beautiful (mixtape). So you'll know what kind of state I am in.

I've had these moments when I just hated everything and everyone for no apparent reason, and still everything seemed perfectly all right. At other times when I'm cool with everything yet nothing seems good. Don't really know what else to write. Will put something up when my mood is better.

The author is definitely not in the mood or the condition to write about anything yet felt the need to write. He would also like to reach out to 3 other friends whom he knows are dealing with the same or similar condition, with a hope that we'll get enough strength to move on without fear or troubles. PEACE


Robby said...

the best...though it was too damn short...we are not doing a reading comprehension exercise..let it all go rishabh !

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