
Wednesday 17 February 2010

The Valentine that never was

It took me a while to get my thoughts in order, which were all just a chopped into tiny little pieces of chocolate and neatly wrapped in a heart shaped box with a "To my Valentine" card attached to it. But coming to the point I was never really in the mood to write it so I ain't gonna write my experience.

Now I don't own a fancy Civic like my friend Robby, so I don't know what it feels like to make love to a car while cruising through the roads of Chandigarh, neither do I have a past experience of a girl ditching me just days before Valentine Day so I'll spare you the agony.

This one goes out to a random guy, single in the city working his way to make a living, making a name for himself, struggling day in and day out. He doesn't fancy fast rides, he'll make do if the bus gets him home on time so he can sleep peacefully. He could care less about this Valentine's day. It gives him a chance to get all those other things done which could not be completed during the week, the pipe's been leaking, The wires hanging from the ceiling need to be fixed and the one room shack he lived in itself was in a mess.

His humble beginnings and the fact that he came to realise his dreams from a family living in abject poverty for whom he must earn made him stay away from the better part and simple luxuries of life. But the fact that being devoid of these things never really bothered him much, he was too busy for them or maybe he kept all these feelings inside him which pinched him day in and day out, the feeling of being loved by a female someone who he could care for and someone who would love him back but then reality would strike him hard as he would realise how much work he needs to complete in the office and oblivious to anyone he would kill his soul silently and move on during the day only to revive it during the free 30 minutes he got during his lunch break and then repeat the heinous act one more time just because those emotions made him weak from his knees, he knew that it can't help him get the money he needed to provide for his family neither can it help him go further his career.

His only option left was to adopt an alter ego for himself, a guy bitchy to the core who couldn't give respect to anyone and drowned himself in his work completely with a small hope that one day his Valentine would be a happy one, till then the only thing he could do was love himself and hope that someone would do so too.

Dedicated to my friend, a person I came to know of during my period in office, hope you find love one day, and to Roohbir and Robby for actually giving me an inspiration to write something that to me does not and will never make sense ;)


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