
Sunday 28 February 2010

The United colors of Holi

Well it's me again with my second's just 7:45 a.m. and I've been up since 4 even though it's off to a somewhat slow start.........

I haven't played Holi for at least 3 years, so it's been quite a while but the last time I did was fun.........getting colours onto your brand new jeans and tee, dumping a friend into a tub full of water...... going mad in excitement......not to mention I also found out that it's not a good idea to spray deo to get rid of the smell of eggs from your car, and that carrying your iphone around in holi can lead to major disasters......

But as the day moves on we'll hear some common sounds no matter which part of the country we're in including "happy holi,bura na mano;rang barse" not to mention the other sounds of cars and bikes without silencers the dudes and chicks high on 'bhaang' the nagging, the booze, the fights and in the end getting back together and having a good laugh as the doctor treats you for your injuries add up to the fun and excitement, not to mention that your ordeal almost landed you in jail and that because of your injuries you get to enjoy a couple of days off from work/school/college etc.

But that's what makes it so special the booze, the puddle of mud mixed with pee, cow dung, ketchup etc; the bhaang, the overtly loud vehicles, the carefree attitude, the funny facebook pics you guys are gonna get tagged in later showing your faces covered in all sorts of stuff making you look like weird mutant aliens trying to take over the world, the loud blaring music on which you are gonna dance away through the day, oh and not to mention the regular things friends and family members and a whole lot of color splashing.

Not to Mention the perves and among you will try to as hard as you can to grope hot chicks even if you are in a relation, all in the name of holi. I know you're more busy looking at the pic right now.

So go out enjoy and yes HAPPY HOLI TO EVERYONE!!
Note: If you are reading this on holi then either you are totally 'vehla' like me, so I suggest you write something up as well, or you are stuck in some weird country that couldn't really bother what it is today, but you can still enjoy with every other thing except the colours ;)


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