
Sunday 7 August 2011

Gems from my treasure box

This one is not really a thought, but more of a recollection of old memories. Today being friendship day I'm taking out those precious moments of my life and putting them right here to annoy the hell and torture everyone else because I have nothing else to write about:

1 Cop trouble- This one was on the same night when our board exams finished, night out with the guys (Roohbir, Deepan, Haripal and Haripal's cousin; that good for nothing bhanu chickened out) a dinner and late night movie at FR and then someone had to smoke weed and drink booze close to the 'then under construction' IT Park when the cops show up and weed scattered all over the dash of Hari's car, luckily they didn't check the car otherwise I would've been in deep shit for no fault of my own.

2 Sukirat Sir's BBQ- The special thing about this was I got to make two new friends, both my juniors in school but very special people none the less Ranbir and Rabani, and also the crazy stuff Roohbir and I did at Sir's house till 5 am regardless that he had a meeting in school at 7.

3 Rajeshwar's sleepover- First a Drag Race at the lake and then Rajeshwar coming over to get tortured by snores

4 Suchet ka kissa: Classic moment. Just goes to show what happens when you end up with a wasted suchet and a tube of colgate

5 Christmas and New Year: Each and everyone spent with friends. No words can describe these times

6 Hostel Times: A few people made those hellish years worth living. From the Birthdays to when all of us ganged up on Ravi's room to the Chak De Festival or even the never ending problems with maggu to chetan and bhalu ki almari special moments
For those who don't know what am talking about check these links

7 Office time- Only the two trips were special Lansdowne and Jaipur, baaki to aiwei tha excep for the innumerable bunks with choti ^_^

8 Holi in chandigarh: That one holi with Roohbir, Nina and Manisha (All thanks to Manisha I celebrated holi in my new jeans)

9 Sunday in Central Park: A vodka+sprite, a friend, a cold winter day and a sunshine. Perfect lazy times :D

Although there are many more I wanted to put up here but due to a few restrictions I'll torture you some other day with them

The author would like to wish everyone a very happy friendship day and hope that he never loses his friends especially the ones who really care and FU to those who don't


Karan Batra said...

Happy friendship today to u as well Rishabh :)

Planet GST - News and Updates said...

some funny moments, some not so funny ... is all about life ... but word "moments" is because of friends..... your article mirrors this my belief. well done

Rishabh Gupta said...

@Karan :)
@Bhavnoor: Thanks a lot

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