
Thursday 28 July 2011

The Release Statement Part-1

Seriously speaking I've become too lazy these days, this blog was suppose to be out at least 10 days back. But let's forget that, here it is, and yeah a shoutout to Robby who saved me from a writer's block by constantly being after me to put this up.

But first, a lot's happened since I last put up a blog, namely that I've finally been able to complete a 3.5 years training and am a free man now. The First Statement is all about that

First and foremost it's been a tough 3.5 years and I really owe it to my friends and colleagues for helping me see the way through. Would like to thank a few people here besides my parents because I don't have words enough to thank them:

1) Roohbir, Bhanu and Deepan: You three are probably the biggest assholes I know but seriously speaking whenever you guys were here, you took away my tensions and worries whenever you guys showed up here, with all the fun moments we shared from roohbir's boating experience at the lake to Deepan and his crazy antics and that day in Delhi Bhanu and I shared.

2) Robby: The man who has his whole life devoted to swag. But seriously discussing some of the more intricate stuff with this guy could have never been better, he can suggest the corniest of ideas that can work, I still wonder why he couldn't get a girl for himself

3) Bani: Although She lives on the other corner of India, she's been a big help through my ups and downs. Thanks for everything

4) Vinamrata: Enuff said :P I don't know what to say, She's one person who's helped me get through my worst moments, though it's another thing that she's the source of most of them. But seriously some of the best moments, from the innumerable bunks to the booze party we've had in Central Park you've been there for me always so thank you.

Then there are the innumerable people in my office and clients list who deserve an applause too and then there's my angel, I won't take her name for private reasons but the people closest to me know, you very recently entered my life and made me a happier man than I ever was. Love you, Always.

The author would like to take this time out and reflect on how the past few years have completely transformed him, however the blog his dear friend Robby was looking for will not form a part of this one, stay tuned for Part-2


Robby said...

Certainly not the type of blog we both had discussed, but this is a start of a new series! well written with apt compliments and shoutouts !
congratulations on finishing the training btw... hope to see you on top(not on me,hahaha) one day!!

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