
Thursday 25 March 2010

40 Pass but 49 Fail

Yep, you got it correct. This is what someone like me would be thinking about every single day of my life. For those who don't know what I'm talking about, this is what an average student pursuing Chartered Accountancy (C.A.) deals with.

The daily grind, the endless hours of coaching, listening to your boss for hours and hours about what you've done right or as in my case wrong. Wishing so much that you get a chance to go out of the office to other places just so you stay away from the boss even if it's for an hour. The sometimes boring conversations about the latest changes in law etc. over lunch or coffee. Falling for that cute girl in your office or just staring for hours at that new girl in your newly joined Tax class.

Yup it's all here. By the time you finish it off, no matter where you are later on you'll always get to look back at that time with a sigh of relief that it's over but also with a wish to relive it. If you make it through and become a C.A., then comes the endless parties that you have to give to everyone. If you don't then comes the thought of your next attempt, and how to convince your boss to give you more leaves so you can clear maybe one group or maybe both of them.

It's been tough going for all of us as students who sometimes feel that life has been unjust in the way you are treated whether in the office or when you give your examinations, but the fact is that this is what it'll take for you to become someone who can stand up to even the toughest things in life.

I end my post with a message that even if we do fail an exam, the strength of the spirit lies in moving on.

Dedicated to all C.A. students like me and to the Garuda of the ICAI logo which inspires professionalism, skepticism, transparency and the courage to rise above those and be awake while others sleep

Saturday 20 March 2010

The simple life

Till now I've received a lot of positive and a few negative feedbacks on my blog which I really appreciate. I've tried on a different template so I hope you guys can comment over here now. I'll soon be taking an off from work and preparing for my exams so the blogs from my side may get low unless am really in the mood to write.

Coming to the point, there is none. I've just been too busy with the things that all other people do, you know work, live life etc. Lately, I've not been feeling too good for reasons I will never know and wouldn't care even if I do. Filling that gap with movies may sound good, but then it gets boring. And for those who are mulling about what movie to go for, try Alice in Wonderland though most of you have already booked or watched "Love,Sex,Dhokha(LSD)" by now. The latter is what the world has come to now, and the former takes you back to the time when you thought the whole world was innocent and not so F*cking Psychotic. And all of this for what? Greed? Maybe. The greed to earn more than your friends, the greed to have a better car, better girl, more money to spend, living a more luxurious life than you are.

Now Mahatma Gandhi said a whole lot of things, but we all know a good number of them feel outdated to most of us."Simple living, high thinking" etc etc. But then I don't think any of this is really gonna help. Neither is this blog post really gonna change your mind. But then this is my space and I'll write whatever comes to me. Just don't miss out the little things out when going out to achieve the big ones, these'll make sure you don't end up as a complete mess when you've finally reached your peak, be it average, above average or like me bottom of the food chain.
Till next time,

Although the author would have written more but is too lazy right now because it is a Sunday, he prefers enjoying it by getting up late, watching TV or reading a novel with some nice tea and hot pakoras by the side and sleeping away the afternoon followed by an outing with friends and dinner and drink with the family. But his dreams and aspirations of not ending up an average guy and definitely not a loser never gave him the opportunity to enjoy these things properly, with the hope that one day he will.